Our exterior house washing experts will make your home look like new.
At Ocean Waves SoftWash, we understand that you care about your home, and we want to help you make sure it looks its very best. To do this, we offer expert exterior house washing services that will not only remove dirt and grime but will also address the root cause of dirt buildup and keep your home clean in the long term. Our methods provide a more thorough, long-lasting clean than standard pressure washing services and will also not damage your surfaces as pressure washing has been known to do.
For our exterior house washing services, we use a method known as soft washing, which takes its name from the fact that it uses gentler water pressure than the powerful jets used in pressure washing. When we clean your house, we will kill any mold, algae, or mildew that may be present. These microorganisms are what cause dirt to stick to your walls in the first place, so by getting rid of them, we ensure that your walls get cleaner and stay that way for much longer. We will spray your walls with gentle jets of water to remove all the contaminants and leave your home’s exterior looking spotless.
Our team wants to help you keep your home looking its best. If your exterior walls are looking the worse for wear, we encourage you to give us a call at Ocean Waves SoftWash to learn more about our exterior house washing services.
Contact Ocean Waves SoftWash Today!
FAQs About Exterior House Washing
Since 1998, our dedicated team at Ocean Waves SoftWash has been passionate about helping property owners keep their exteriors looking beautiful and pristine. We’re proud to offer comprehensive exterior house washing solutions throughout the community, and we’d be more than happy to respond to some frequently asked questions. If you can’t find the answers you’re looking for below, feel free to reach out to us today!
Can’t I wash my house on my own?
Although it’s certainly possible to wash your home’s exterior by yourself, it will take much longer and won’t yield the same long-lasting results that our team can provide. Our cleaning technicians have specialized equipment and powerful eco-friendly cleaning solutions that will efficiently get rid of grime and stubborn stains in a fraction of the time without putting your property at risk of damage. Furthermore, we know when to use soft washing techniques or pressure washing equipment for the best results.
Why is soft washing a better alternative to pressure washing?
Soft washing relies on low-pressure water and biodegradable cleaning solutions to safely and effectively clean all kinds of surfaces. Pressure washing equipment can damage delicate surfaces like shingles, siding, and windows, whereas soft washing can be used on virtually any exterior material without harming them.
What parts of my house can your team clean?
Our team is fully equipped to clean every inch of your home’s exterior, from your roof and gutters to your deck and driveway. We’ll assess each area to determine the best cleaning solution for each material to ensure noticeable, long-lasting results.
Contact Ocean Waves SoftWash Today!
At Ocean Waves SoftWash, we offer exterior house washing services to customers in Selbyville, Dagsboro, Frankford, Ocean View, Lewes, Millsboro, Rehoboth Beach, and Bethany Beach, Delaware, as well as Bishopville, Ocean City, Berlin, and Ocean Pines, Maryland.